Two forms of light


21st June 2016, It is Summer solstice in the northern Hemisphere and today there is also full moon. A rare energetic combination.
This night in my dreams I saw my ‘Nani’ (I call her Chaiji). 


She was sitting in the last room of our house, cutting vegetables. I as usual playing around, there is a small girl too in the room. I do not identify her, but I am playing with her.
I try to teach this little girl about two types of light, she is not understanding. So I teach her with experiment.
I tell her to close her eyes, and ask her can she recall what is where, like where Chaiji is sitting etc, she says yes. So, this is one form of light, in which you can recall objects and persons.

“Now let us open the door and let the outside sunlight enter inside”, I tell the little girl. “See near your eyes, can you see these small freckles of light, now close your eyes can you recall where they are?”. Chaiji is very amused seeing me teach the girl.


Though not at that time, but now I know what is being said in the dream about light. There are two types of light, one artificially created by humans and one from the Sun. The light from Sun is much more than light, the photon particles we know of.

To access more about dreams and voyages of My Nani, search label: “My Nani