Rebirth of Nani?


22nd June 2016
Today consecutively for the second night I dreamt about Chaiji


I am playing outside, on the road in front  of her house, Chaiji is standing on the gate of the house. Only this small area is lighted like a stage, no idea where is the source of light, rest everywhere there is dark blackness. She is staring at me, as if staring not just my present but even beyond my present. I am playing carelessly, not bothered about anything in the world.

Suddenly she gets up, comes towards me, she is wearing two heavy necklaces of diamonds with big lockets in middle one having five rubies and other four big emeralds. She take them out and put them in my neck, and starts walking out on road in the direction which takes one out of the locality. She has not uttered a word and not even turning back.
I stop playing, I remember from my past that last time she did this she had gone to take rebirth and had not appeared to me for many many years. So, I run behind her asking her where is she going? She does not say a thing, I follow her till the end of light, and see her going up in the sky in a tunnel of light.
I close my eyes and put my hands in prayer mode, though my inner eyes I could see her going up, and getting transformed into the little girl, the same girl a saw the night before.


Immediately, I was awake, it was 2:00AM, I did quick calculation this is June so if she takes birth after nine months she will be born in the month of March. My heart tells me this time she will be born on earth and she will come to me to learn, and I will be able to recognize her because she will be born on the same day she had bought me to life through my mother’s womb.

To access more about dreams and voyages of My Nani, search label: “My Nani”